WALE 2024


The Work­shop on Al­go­rithms for Learn­ing and Eco­nom­ics (WALE*) brings to­gether re­searchers from academia and industrial research working in the design of algorithms for economics and machine learning. The topics include: mechanism design, auctions design, market design as well as econometrics and statistical inference in the presence of malicious or strategic behaviors. The discussion will involve both the design of novel algorithms as well as computational limitations. There is a tech­ni­cal pro­gram of in­tro­duc­tory talks given by pi­o­neers in dif­fer­ent ar­eas fol­lowed by talks by par­tic­i­pants of the work­shop. In ad­dition, there will be am­ple time for in­for­mal dis­cus­sion and col­lab­o­ra­tion.

*WALE is an invitation-only workshop, and due to unprecedented attendance, we are unable to accommodate any additional invitations.



WALE stands for Work­shop on Al­go­rithms for Learn­ing and Eco­nom­ics. It was previously organized in 2022 and 2019 and is a suc­ces­sor to the GREAT work­shop or­ga­nized in past years (see GREAT11, GREAT14, GREAT17).


It will take place on the beautiful island of Kefalonia which is the largest of the Ionian islands and is accessible by plane. The main conference venue is ARGILE RESORT & SPA.

The workshop will last for 5 days with each day having a different theme. The tentative topics and daily schedule are listed below.

Directions from and to the airport

There are two ways to go to Argile Resort from the airport:

  1. Take a taxi, this takes ~ 1 hour and costs ~ 65 €.
  2. Take a taxi to Argostoli port (link, ~15 min, ~25 €), then take the boat to Lixouri (~30 min, ~3 €), finally take a taxi to Argile Resort (~10 min, ~20 €).

The first option is more efficient and straightforward, with the second option you get to see Argostoli as well and the boat from Argostoli to Lixouri is quite nice.

Sched­ule (June 17-21, 2024)

We have two locations for the talks. The location at the town of Lixouri for the first day and the location at the Argile Hotel for the rest of the days.

Location at Lixouri

This is in the building behind the main building of TEI Lixouriou. The default point at google maps for TEI Lixouriou is this. The actual building is behind this main building here.

Location at Argile Resort

This is the main conference room of Argile Resort & Spa. Please ask at the reception of the hotel for the exact location of the room.

Monday, June 17 *

Location: Lixouri

Buses from Argile Resort to TEI Lixouriou (link) at 02:15 p.m. and 02:30 p.m.

02:30 p.m. – 03:00 p.m.Registration
03:00 p.m. – 03:45 p.m.Amin Saberi, Stanford University
03:45 p.m. – 04:30 p.m.Inbal Talgam-Cohen, Tel Aviv University
Contract Design: Algorithms and Learning
04:30 p.m. – 05:00 p.m.Break
05:00 p.m. – 05:45 p.m.Pravesh Kothari, Princeton University
Semirandom Optimization: Algorithms Applications, and More
05:45 p.m. – 06:30 p.m.Jelena Diakonikolas, UW Madison
Robust learning of single-index models: An optimization perspective
06:30 p.m. – 09:00 p.m.Dinner on your own
09:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.Folklore singing and dancing @ National Resistance Lixouri Central Square

Buses from National Resistance Lixouri Central Square (link) to Argile Resort at 10:15 p.m.

Tuesday, June 18

Location: Argile Resort

Organizers: Gabriele Farina (MIT), Lily Xu (Oxford/Columbia)

10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.Learning and Games Session #1
Max Fishelson, MIT
Natalie Collina, University of Pennsylvania
Giorgos Piliouras, Google Deep Mind, SUTD
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.Lunch (provided) & Poster Session 1
12:30 p.m. – 02:00 p.m.Learning and Games Session #2
Ana-Andrea Stoica, Max Plank Institute
Eric Mazumdar, Caltech
Federico Fusco, Sapienza University
02:15 p.m. – 10:30 p.m.Excursion #1
Wednesday, June 19

Location: Argile Resort

Organizers: Yuqing Kong (Peking University), Stefano Leonardi (Sapienza University)

10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.Mechanism Design #1
Divyarthi Mohan, Tel Aviv University
Balasubramanian Sivan, Google Research
Vijay Vazirani, UC Irvine
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.Lunch (provided) & Poster Session 2
12:30 p.m. – 02:00 p.m.Mechanism Design #2
Yang Cai, Yale University
Sophie Klumper, CWI
Matteo Russo, Sapienza University
02:00 p.m. – 02:30 p.m.Break
02:30 p.m. – 03:15 p.m.Christos Papadimitriou, Columbia University
Game dynamics: Impossibility results and algorithms
07:30 p.m.Dinner @ Alaya Beach Bar & Restaurant
Thursday, June 20

Location: Argile Resort

Organizers: Sarah Cen (MIT), Kate Donahue (Cornell University), Juba Ziani (Georgia Tech)

10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.Trustworthy AI #1
Argyris Mouzakis, University of Waterloo
Lydia Zakynthinou, UC Berkeley
Jessica Sorrell, University of Pennsylvania
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.Lunch (provided) & Poster Session 3
12:30 p.m. – 02:00 p.m.Trustworthy AI #2
Nir Rosenfeld, Technion University
Andrew Ilyas, MIT
Serena Wang, UC Berkeley
03:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.Excursion #2
Friday, June 21

Location: Argile Resort

Organizers: Amin Saberi (Stanford University),
Rad Niazadeh (Chicago Booth School of Business),
Christos Tzamos (University of Athens)

10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.Algorithms & Learning #1
Simina Branzei, Purdue University
Ioannis Panageas, UC Irvine
Alon Eden, Hebrew University
Jon Schneider, Google Research
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.Lunch (provided) & Poster Session 4
12:30 p.m. – 02:00 p.m.Algorithms & Learning #2
Ilias Diakonikolas, UW Madison
Statistical-Computational Tradeoffs via Non-Gaussian Component Analysis
Clement Canonne, University of Syndey
Locally Private Histograms in All Privacy Regimes
Yeshwanth Cherapanamjeri, UC Berkeley

* This is the only day where the talks will take place at the location at Lixouri.

Confirmed Participants

Abheek Ghosh (University of Oxford)
Aikaterini Mamali (Yale University)
Alexandros Hollender (University of Oxford)
Alkis Kalavasis (Yale University)
Alkmini Sgouritsa (AUEB & Archimedes RU)
Alon Eden (HUJI)
Amin Saberi (Stanford)
Amos Fiat (Tel Aviv University)
Ana-Andreea Stoica (MPI for Intelligent Systems)
Andre Wibisono (Yale University)
Andres Cristi (Center for Mathematical Modeling, Universidad de Chile)
Andrew Ilyas (MIT)
Apostolis Tsorvantzis (NTUA / Archimedes AI)
Argyrios Deligkas (Royal Holloway University of London)
Argyris Mouzakis (University of Waterloo)
Aris Filos-Ratsikas (University of Edinburgh)
Arnab Maiti (University of Washington)
Artem Tsikiridis (CWI)
Aviv Yaish (HUJI)
Bailey Flanigan (CMU)
Balasubramanian Sivan (Google Research)
Benjamin Laufer (Cornell University)
Carmine Ventre (King’s College)
Chara Podimata (MIT)
Charalampos Kokkalis (University of Edinburgh)
Charis Pipis (MIT)
Chidozie Onyeze (Cornell University)
Christodoulos Santorinaios (AUEB & Archimedes RU)
Christos Papadimitriou (Columbia University)
Christos Tzamos (NKUA, Wisc, Archimedes AI)
Chrysa Oikonomou (Archimedes RU & AUTH)
Clement Canonne (University Sydney)
Constantine Caramanis (UT Austin & Archimedes RU)
Costis Daskalakis (MIT & Archimedes RU)
Dimitris Fotakis (NTUA & Archimedes RU)
Divyarthi Mohan (Tel Aviv University)
Ekaterina Fedorova (University of Pennsylvania)
Eleni Batziou (University of Liverpool)
Eleni Psaroudaki (NTUA & Archimedes RU)
Emily Ryu (Cornell University)
Eric Zhao (UC Berkeley)
Eric Mazumdar (Caltech)
Eric Xue (Princeton)
Federico Fusco (Sapienza University of Rome)
Gabriele Farina (MIT)
Georgios Birmpas (University of Liverpool)
Georgios Piliouras (Google DeepMind / SUTD)
Giannis Fikioris (Cornell University)
Giannis Vlachos (AUEB & Archimedes RU)
Giorgos Christodoulou (AUTH & Archimedes RU)
Guido Schaefer (CWI & University of Amsterdam)
Hedyeh Beyhaghi (CMU)
Hu Fu (SUFE)
Ilan Cohen (Bar Ilan)
Ilias Diakonikolas (UW Madison)
Inbal Talgam-Cohen (Tel Aviv University)
Ioannis Caragiannis (Aarhus University)
Ioannis Panageas (UC Irvine)
Jelena Diakonikolas (UW Madison)
Jess Sorrell (University of Pennsylvania)
Jinzhao Wu (Yale University)
Jon Schneider (Google Research)
Juba Ziani (Georgia Tech)
Kate Donahue (Cornell)
Katerina Sotiraki (Yale University & Archimedes RU)
Kevin Leyton Brown (UBC)
Kira Goldner (Boston University)
Korinna Frangias (UC Berkeley)

Kostas Zampetakis (University of Warwick)
Lily Xu (Oxford/Columbia)
Lydia Zakynthinou (Berkeley)
Linda Cai (Princeton)
Manolis Zampetakis (Yale University & Archimedes RU)
Marco Scarsini (Luiss University)
Marina Kontalexi (NTUA)
Matteo Russo (Sapienza University)
Matthew vonAllmen (Northwestern)
Maxwell Fishelson (MIT)
Mingchen Ma (UW Madison)
Moshe Babaioff (HUJI)
Narun Raman (UBC)
Natalia Kotsani (NTUA)
Natalie Collina (University of Pennsylvania)
Nikolas Patris (UC Irvine)
Nikos Tsikouras (Archimedes RU)
Nir Rosenfeld (Technion)
Panagiotis Patsilinakos (AUEB)
Pantelis Piperias Analytis (University of Southern Denmark)
Paul Goldberg (Oxford University)
Pinyan Lu (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)
Piotr Krysta (Augusta University & University of Liverpool)
Pravesh Kothari (IAS & Princeton University)
Rad Niazadeh (Chicago Booth)
Rahul Savani (Liverpool)
Rashida Hakim (Columbia University)
Rebecca Reiffenhäuser (University of Amsterdam)
Rui Yao (MIT)
Sam Taggart (Oberlin College)
Sarah Cen (MIT)
Serena Wang (UC Berkeley & Google)
Shiri Ron (Weizmann)
Shuran Zheng (Tsinghua University)
Simina Branzei (Purdue)
Simon Mauras (INRIA)
Sobhan Mohammadpour (MIT)
Sophie Greenwood (Cornell University)
Sophie Klumper (CWI)
Stavros Ioannidis (King’s College)
Stefano Leonardi (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Stratis Skoulakis (EPFL)
Talya Eden (Bar Ilan)
Taylor Lundy (UBC)
Thanasis Lianeas (NTUA)
Thanos Tolias (NTUA & Archimedes RU)
Themis Gouleakis (NUS)
Themis Melissourgos (University of Essex)
Thodoris Tsilivis (Boston University)
Thomas Archbold (King’s College)
Tomer Ezra (Harvard University)
Vaggos Chatziafratis (UC Santa Cruz)
Valia Efthymiou (NTUA)
Vangelis Markakis (AUEB & Archimedes RU)
Vardis Kandiros (MIT)
Vasilis Christoforidis (AUTH & Archimedes RU)
Vasilis Gkatzelis (Drexel University)
Vasilis Kontonis (UT Austin)
Vasilis Livanos (University of Chile)
Vasilis Syrgkanis (Stanford University)
Vignesh Viswanathan (UMass Amherst)
Vijay Vazirani (UC Irvine)
Vivian Yvonne Nastl (MPI for Intelligent Systems)
Weiqiang Zheng (Yale University)
Xinyan Hu (Berkeley)
Xizhi Tan (Drexel University)
Yang Cai (Yale University)
Yeshwanth Cherapanamjeri (MIT)
Yiannis Giannakopoulos (University of Glasgow)
Yifeng Teng (Google Research)
Yingkai Li (Yale University)
Yoav Gal Tzur (Tel Aviv University)
Yotam Gafni (Weizmann Institute)
Yuqing Kong (Peking University)
Yuval Dagan (UC Berkeley)

Social Coordinators


Kira Goldner, Natalia Kotsani, Thanasis Lianeas, Chara Podimata, Katerina Sotiraki, Christos Tzamos, Kostas Zampetakis, and Manolis Zampetakis

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Poster Organizers

Student Volunteers

Alkis Kalavasis
Giannis Fikioris
Natalie Collina

Apostolis Tzorvatzis
Chrysa Oikonomou
Katerina Mamali
Nikos Tsikouras
Thodoris Tsilivis